8.0-BETA3 available

ということで Ken Smith 氏からアナウンス出てます。

The third of the BETA builds for the FreeBSD-8.0 release cycle is now
available. All major work related to new features in 8.0 has been
completed and we are shifting into "bugfix only" mode
for the balance of the release cycle. Debugging features (e.g. WITNESS) are still enabled
but will be removed from stable/8 between now and RC1 so performance is
still impacted a bit by that. Also note that, as mentioned previously
on the mailing lists, we did do a shared library version bump after
BETA2 was announced (bump was done July 19th with svn commit r195767) so
if you update a system that was last rebuilt earlier than that it would
be a good idea to rebuild all user-level applications including the

VMware 環境ででも試さなくてはいけませんねぇ... とりあえず 8.0-TODO なページもできてますのでチャレンジ*1する方は見ておきましょう。
