ecard かと思ったら...
Date: Sat, 13 Jun 2009 22:45:10 -0500
From: "Jay Stark"
Subject: [MEIWAKU] Your family member has sent you an ecard
Good day.
Your family member has sent you an ecard from
Send free ecards from with your choice of colors, words and music.
Your ecard will be available with us for the next 30 days. If you wish to keep the ecard longer, you may save it on your computer or take a print.
To view your ecard, Click on the following Internet address or copy & paste it into your browser's address box.
「添付型は対応されたから Web 誘導型に戻ったかな?」と思って記載されている URL にアクセスした*1ら、ダイエット商品の宣伝サイトでした orz。