フィッシングサイトを見つけて iPod を貰おう!

Netcraftツールバー を入れると、フィッシングサイトにアクセスした際にポップアップ画面が表示されるようになりますが、ブロックされなかった場合はツールバーから報告することもできます。

で、今日 1つ見つけたので通知してみたところ、こんなメールが。

The URL you recently submitted has been accepted as a phishing site by
the Netcraft Anti-Phishing Team.


As of the 1st September, the Netcraft Toolbar community has blocked more
than 150,000 phishing attacks. To show our appreciation for this effort,
Netcraft will send a top of the range iPod [or item of equivalent value
for anyone who has already received a "Thanks for all the Phish"
commemorative iPod from us] to the five people who have the largest
number of phishing reports accepted each month.

To track the progress, we have a leaderboard displaying the people with
the largest number of accepted reports so far this month, identified
by their first names to preserve their anonymity.


This is the 2nd confirmed phishing site you have reported in
February and your 3rd in total. Your anonymised name for the
leaderboard at http://toolbar.netcraft.com/stats/reporters is

The Netcraft Anti-Phishing Team

報告数で月間のトップ 5 に入ると、iPod がもらえるそうです。が、物凄い猛者たちがいるのでどうあがいても無理ですね ^^;)。