ORDB.org is shutting down

セキュリティホール memo などがニュースソースですが、RBL の文句を言っていたら大御所の ORDB がクローズされてしまうそうです。

We regret to inform you that ORDB.org, at the ripe age of five and a
half, is shutting down. It's been a case of a long goodbye as very
little work has gone into maintaining ORDB for a while. Our volunteer
staff has been pre-occupied with other aspects of their lives. In
addition, the general consensus within the team is that open relay RBLs
are no longer the most effective way of preventing spam from entering
your network as spammers have changed tactics in recent years, as have
the anti-spam community.

We encourage system owners to remove ORDB checks from their mailers
immediately and start investigating alternative methods of spam
filtering. We recommend a combination involving greylisting and
content-based analysis (such as the dspam project, bmf or Spam Assassin).

DNS and the mailing lists will vanish today, December 18, 2006.

This website will vanish by December 31, 2006.

ORDB を使用している方は早急に設定を削除することをオススメします。うちの会社も設定していた*1ので、慌てて担当者に削除を依頼しました。

the general consensus within the team is that open relay RBLs
are no longer the most effective way of preventing spam from entering
your network as spammers have changed tactics in recent years, as have
the anti-spam community.

確かにその通りですね。RBL に登録されるようなアホ spammer より、今は botnet の方が遥かに重大な脅威ですから...

おお、スラドに初タレコミしてみたけど、見事に採用 されましたよ ^^;)。怖い人が一杯出てくるんだろうなぁ...

*1:しかも reject...