
FizzBuzz つづき

この前 のつづき。この辺 に刺激されて別の解を考えてみた。 #!/usr/local/bin/ruby -Ks (1..100).to_a.each do |i| puts case when i % 15 == 0 "FizzBuzz" when i % 5 == 0 "Buzz" when i % 3 == 0 "Fizz" else i end end そうか Range オブジェクトを to_…

BIND8 entering end of life; changes to ftp.isc.org (affects mirrors)

janog ML から BIND8 entering end of life; changes to ftp.isc.org (affects mirrors) へ。 whereas BIND9 is now 8 years old, and BIND9 is performance-competitive against BIND8, and BIND9 conforms to more of the DNS protocol than BIND8, and BI…